Saturday, January 07, 2006

I'd update this more if I had any kind of life and had anything to write about.

The past week has been very boring and I haven't really done anything. I cheated and drove a mile to McDonald's with Ry one day just to get out of the house. How sad is that? I know I'm not supposed to drive, but it was a mile. So shoot me. Last night I had the most excitement that I've had all week when Jason and I went to WalMart to get groceries. I was in a lot of pain by the time we left there, but it was worth it to get out of the house. I'm still paying for it today though. Tonight we are going out to dinner with Mike and Kathy which will be nice. I'm looking forward to some good Chinese food and some adult interaction. After dinner we are going to run to JoAnn Fabrics to see if they have the wooden letters to spell Jacob. WalMart didn't have them and I want to get them painted. I might buy the stuff to crochet another blanket since I finished the one for Jacob. Maybe I'll give it away as a gift or sell it on eBay or maybe even keep it. You can never have too many blankets.

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